"Flaws Make it Better"

To the captains and vice.
For many things, strive
Bringing life back to life
Things don't go as often
Few things are nice
Things need to be sorted out more
Till the heart of the earth's core.
Let's Roll the Dice
'Cause Flaws make it Better
These are the trendsetter
One of them is at noon
Another is moon
These both understand the law of nature
Humans and their scripture
Lesser-Known facts of the world include it
Though this might been a secret document or encrypted.
In this society, nobody wants to fit-in.
Or we have to knit; even, we have the kit
Why is society so valuable
'Cause Laws make it'
Why are birds so inevitable
'Cause claws make it better
Why were matches so stable
'Cause draws make it better
Why do I wriggle
'Cause Flaws make it better.


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