Fundamental of life is hope.

The basis of soul,

When things don’t  roll.

The time of times

When soar of light is draped,

And pure night is mapped.

Four directions vieled.

Nowhere to go,

Once you think, you have failed.

Taking ship and moving down to sail.

            “Where is hope, I don’t see” says sailor.

                ‘Hope isn’t an island. It is a fish.

It comes when it wishes.

Give it food it will come.’

As swishhh………………..

Gate way to next life is hope.

When all feels left.

“The Light of the Unknown”

Whose source is not yet known?

But you must not moan.

Don’t wait for rain.

To come again and groan.

“You waited and have not yet sown”

She’ll feel lonely,

Only to go away on it own.


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