The Green Way

Some things never start.👓
Neither do they bend.👓
One has to share them always,👓
But if you don't have a dart,📍
Still you play,💰
Then you might be crazy enough,⛅
to become a prey.👽
This life we live,👽
Has many "Hurrayys",⛅
And many ways,⛅
If one is black other is grey,⛅
But there isn't any way,
Except the green,
The Green Way,💚
Which prevents from becoming a prey,👽
And die to the king of pollution in any way,👽
Yes that, really may,🌸
 And if Your Instinct still says "Let the people Say,I will do it,even if it may make my planet grey"
Then you must Know "What the hell" Stands for "It is grey"


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